County Administrator presents FY24 Proposed County Budget to Board of Supervisors Which Includes Recommendation for School Funding

The County Administrator will present his FY24 Proposed budget to the Board of Supervisors at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.  His budget presentation will include his recommendation of local funding for the school division for the upcoming school year.

As a reminder, CCPS requested approximately $4.47M of new local dollars to address the mandatory and critical needs identified by CCPS stakeholders (survey and advisory groups): 2022 external salary study findings, health insurance, 2 behavioral specialists, a coordinator of student support services, a special education teacher, 3 special education paraprofessionals, a work-based learning teacher, student device replacement cycle, and conversion of part-time custodial positions to FT. Last week, CCPS was notified that the County Administrator’s proposed budget will likely include approximately $800,000 of new funding.

Please take a look at the the 5-year funding trend data:
Please take a look at findings from the PayPoint 2022 Salary Study completed for CCPS teacher pay:
Please take a look at findings from the PayPoint 2022 Salary Study completed for CCPS support staff and administrative pay:
Help us invest in our people! Consider attending the County Administrator’s FY24 proposed budget presentation tomorrow night (Tuesday, 3/15 at 6:00 at the Community Center). Mark your calendar for the Board of Supervisors’ FY24 Capital Improvement and Operations Budget Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 11 (6:00, Community Center). Please come out and share your voice in support of the school division’s needs-based budget.