While a long message – I hope you will press forward to the end! Gratitude and pride describe the emotions associated with our CCPS school community’s presence at the Board of Supervisor FY24 Budget Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 11. Whether you viewed the meeting virtually, attended in person, or shared your voice at the podium or via email, your messaging was factual, heartfelt, and reflective of the urgent need for enhanced Board of Supervisor support. 

It will take continued engagement and intentional advocacy from the collective CCPS community to create positive change. To support education and awareness, we are providing audio clips of school related matters which took place during the April 11th BOS meeting. 


1.) County Financial Presentation (YouTube Video, 50:46-1:05:20) 

While providing a county financial update, a 15-minute dialogue related to CCPS finances required Dr. Calveric and Marcia Stevens (Chief Operations Officer) to approach the podium. Listen to the audio clip to hear various BOS questions, the school division responses, and the audience members’ reactions. 

Audio Clip


2.) Public Comments – Caroline County FY24 Budget Public Hearing (2:23:03-3:52:31)

For approximately 90-minutes, CCPS employees, parents, and students outlined the critical need for the school division’s needs based budget to be fully funded. Listen to the audio clip to hear the passionate advocacy shared by our CCPS community. 

Audio Clip (1st Portion)

Audio Clip (2nd Portion) 


3.) Tax Rate Public Hearing – Vote 1 & Vote 2 (YouTube Video, 1:51:00-1:59:26 & 4:42:43-4:54:16)

The Board of Supervisors approved a zero cent tax increase; however, a motion was made later in the evening to revisit the advertising of a 0.02 cent tax increase. While the motion failed with a 3-3 vote, it was stated that the BOS will need to, “…find additional funding or use additional funding, if that is what the Board decides.”

Audio Clip (1st Vote)

Audio Clip (2nd Vote) 


4.) BOS Closing Comments (4:56:51 to End)

During closing comment, select Board of Supervisors included personal reflection on school-related public hearing comments. Listen to the following audio clip to gain additional insight regarding individual supervisors’ perspectives regarding CCPS. 

Audio Clip


Communities are a reflection of the schools they keep! Help us continue building a PK-12 system that is the envy of the Commonwealth. How can you help? 

  • If desiring more information, feel free to view the video recording of the April 11 BOS Meeting (see time snippets above)  BOS Meeting 4/11/23
  • Remain abreast of the Board of Supervisors budget discussions by attending the Budget Workshop on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 6 p.m. at the Caroline Community Services Center, 17202 Richmond Turnpike, Milford, VA 22514. 
  • Read the Free Lance Star article published about the April 11th Board of Supervisors meeting. Caroline supervisors keep tax rate level


Thank you for joining “arm in arm” with CCPS to support our students, employees, and the school community!



Sarah Calveric, Ph.D.