2023-2024 Indicator 8 Parent Survey

The School Year 2023-2024 Indicator 8 Parent Survey collection period has begun. Due to the increased availability of technology for families, the online survey is the preferred method of survey submission. 

The online surveys can be accessed using the links below:

English Version—- English Version of the 2023-24 Indicator 8 Parent Survey

Spanish Version—- Spanish Version of the 2023-24 Indicator 8 Parent Survey

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) encourages school divisions to have parents complete this year’s survey using the online links or QR codes that are available on the Parent Survey flyer. The VDOE is asking for assistance in promoting the completion of the survey by each of your families who has a child with a disability and is provided special education services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Families who have more than one child receiving special education services should complete a survey for each of their children.

This year’s timeline for completion and submission of survey responses, in any modality, is set for December 15, 2024.