Dress Code

We expect students to maintain an appearance that is not distracting to teachers or students or in any way disrupts the instructional program of the school. Clothing that may be hazardous to the health and safety of other students and teachers and staff must not be worn at school. Maintaining appropriate appearance during school hours and at official school functions is the responsibility of the parents and the students. Pants must be worn appropriately (waistband at the waist) and pants worn below the waist are not permitted. No sagging. Clothing and tattoos that distract others from the learning process are prohibited. This includes clothing and tattoos that display or advertise alcoholic beverages or items prohibited on school property, sexually explicit references, or which convey derogatory messages regarding race, sex, color, national origin, religion, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Inappropriate clothing for school or clothing that is of a safety concern or disruptive to the educational environment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Halter tops, tube tops, tanks tops, see-through tops, tops with spaghetti straps, altered t-shirts (sleeves removed), and muscle shirts. Tops must not expose cleavage or the midriff. Sleeveless tops must be 3 inches or more across the shoulder.
  • Bicycle/spandex shorts.
  • Leggings/Jeggings must be accompanied by a top that covers the front and backside.   
  • Shorts/skirts/dresses/“skorts” must be at least mid-thigh in length.
  • Skirts or dresses with slits must be at least mid-thigh in length.
  • Exposed male and female undergarments (top and bottom).
  • Holes in pants: Pants with holes/openings may be worn, but they cannot be higher than mid-thigh.
  • Pajama pants.
  • Flip flops, Heelys (shoes with wheels), bedroom slippers, untied shoes, slides, heels above 2 inches. Flip flops may be worn by secondary school students, but appropriate shoes must be worn when required for participation/enrollment in certain classes/physical activity.
  • Hoods or other head wear that cover the face and/or eyes and thus prevents the identification of a student. However, acceptable head cover (except for religious/medical purposes) must be removed due to safety concerns in certain classes such as science labs and CTE.
  • Sunglasses, chokers, or chains worn on clothing.
  • Nonprescription and/or color contact lenses.
  • Rolling backpacks are not permitted in any of the schools, unless there is a legitimate medical need or another legitimate purpose, with prior approval of the principal.

The school principal or designee may allow for special exemptions on school spirit days or hat days.