Vaccination Reminder for Rising 12th Graders

Beginning July 1, 2021, all 12th graders are required by the state of Virginia to receive the Meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) for school attendance. Failure to get this vaccination will cause your child to be unenrolled from school until the vaccination is acquired.

If you have not done so already, please schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider where you can learn more about and receive the required vaccines. Once completed, please provide documentation to Nurse Russell at CHS. If your student has been vaccinated, please be sure that you have provided their vaccination record to us.

More information about the MenACWY requirement can be found at www.vdh.virginia.gov/immunization/requirements

If you have questions, please contact Nurse Russell at mrussell@ccps.us or 804-633-9886; Erica Hunter at the Virginia Department of Health at erica.hunter@vdh.virginia.gov or 804-864-8057; or Joanna Pitts at the Virginia Department of Health at 804-864-7590 or joanna.pitts@vdh.virginia.gov.