March 11th SAT Test Takers

Those who are taking the SAT on Saturday, March 11th will need:

  • A valid ID to be admitted to the SAT. If you do not have a valid ID (examples: ID card from the DMV, Passport, Driver’s License, or CHS student ID)
    • CHS students see Mrs. Bucceri prior to March 3rd
    • Non-CHS students please see your school counselor. Students without proper ID cannot be admitted based on College Board Rules.
  • A printed copy of your ticket
  • A calculator
  • N0. 2 pencils (No mechanical pencils are allowed,)
  • You may bring snacks to eat during your break.Regular testers will be complete between 12:15- 12:30pm. Arrival is 7:30am- 7:55am, any student arriving after 8:00 am will not be admitted to testing per College Board Rules.