Happy World Language Week!

This week is  World Language Week at Caroline High School. This is a time to celebrate the diversity of languages and cultures around the world. Each day, students will hear music in different languages as they change classes, with an explanation of the songs in the morning announcements. In their world language classes, students will experience foods from other countries. They will learn about the ancient Silk Road and how it linked various cultures in what can probably be called the very first World Wide Web. Students will make origami and molas (a tribal Costa Rican type of embroidery). They will be exposed to old Norse and see that sometimes languages can go out of use.

This year’s theme is finding connections across differences. As we explore the rich diversity that is out there in the world, we can find analogies among languages and cultures. These connections remind us that more than diverse races, we are part of one big human race, one big planet with common resources. There is only so much that cultures can invent when it comes to food because ultimately there are only so many resources available to us across countries to feed ourselves. Artists sometimes apply similar music genres across their cultures and languages: take the time to listen to rap or rock or alternative rock or even country music in other languages this week as we celebrate difference, diversity but also similarity and common features that bind us as people.