Governor’s School Application Extensions

Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School

Due to the school closings this past week, applications for Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School will now be due on Wednesday, January 15th.  The application and more information about CBGS can be found online at https://cbgs.k12.va.us/admissions/application/.  Teacher recommendations will also be due on Wednesday, so students must ensure that those go out to teachers right away if they have not already done so.

VDOE Summer Residential Governor’s School and World Language Programs

The application deadline for gifted students wishing to apply to the VDOE Summer REsidential Governor’s School is extended to Wednesday, January 15th with the exception of the Visual and Performing Arts which was already due.  Links for applications and program information can be found here at VDOE website.

Any student can apply for the VDOE World Language Academies regardless of gifted identification or not.  For Spanish, French, and German, students must be in at least their 3rd year of the language.  For Japanese, students must be in at least their 2nd year of study in ANY language.  The application deadline has also been extended to Wed., Janary 15th.  Applications and information can be found here.  

If you have any questions about any of these programs, please email Mrs. Kiger at hkiger@ccps.us.