CHS Essential SOL Exam Info

It’s that time of year, students have been preparing through course work, projects, activities, and remediation for their End of Course SOL Exams. EOC SOL Testing will be May 8th through 12th, 2023, beginning at 7:45 am daily, classes will test as follows.

  • May 8th- 11th Grade End of Course Reading
  • May 9th- 9th Grade World History I
  • May 10th- Earth Science, Chemistry, World History II, Virginia/ US History, Geometry, and Algebra II students.
  • May 11th- 10th Grade Biology Students
  • May 12th- 9th Grade Algebra I students.
  • May 15th- Make-up exams and exams for any student who may have two exams on 5-10-23

This schedule is also for Virtual students.

Important reminders for students:

  • Bring a Fully Charged Chromebook every day for testing.
  • Bring a pencil or pen for working out problems on the test.
  • Students will not be allowed to have their phones, smart watches, or headphones on their person during testing, all student phones must be turned in or put away in their backpacks during testing.