Attention Germanna bound Seniors!

Attention Germanna bound Seniors! The Germanna Scholarship portal is now open! Award Spring is one application for over 85 scholarships. Here’s the link to Award Spring: https://germanna.awardspring.com/

Use your Germanna username and password to log in. Just answer a few questions about yourself, your academic plans, financial needs, and write a short essay (under 250 words) to automatically apply for all the scholarships for which you qualify. Sometimes the essay questions can be overwhelming but remember that these are specific to you and will help evaluate your eligibility for scholarships. Take time to complete each section. You must be enrolled in Germanna and have submitted a 23-24 FAFSA to apply.

See Mrs. Hummer for a list of what you need to complete the FAFSA. If you need help or just want to check in, please come to the GCC Zoom Room: Join our Zoom Room from Monday-Thursday from 8:00am-7:00pm and Friday 8:00am-12:00pm by clicking this link: https://vccs.zoom.us/j/88420614300

Let Mrs. Hummer, Germanna Career Advisor, know if you have any questions. You can sign up to see her here.