AP Exam Review Opportunities

At CHS we are committed to supporting our students in achieving success on their upcoming AP exams. To help us plan effective AP Exam Review sessions, please fill out the following form: AP Exam Review for Saturday’s and after-school. Students do not need to attend every session; not all courses will be offered every Saturday.

3/11 ASVAB Cancelled

All ASVAB testing sessions scheduled between March 7 and March 21, 2025, have been canceled under Presidential Executive Order 14222. The ASVAB test on 3/11/25 has been canceled.  At this time, the US Army and the ASVAB Program are working on finding a solution, but no alternative testing arrangements have been confirmed yet.

CHS Dress Code Reminders

We expect students to maintain an appearance that is not distracting to teachers or students or in any way disrupts the instructional program of the school. Clothing that may be hazardous to the health and safety of other students and teachers and staff must not be worn at school. Maintaining appropriate appearance during school hours […]

CHS Student Fees for 2024-25

If you have not already taken care of your 2024-2025 school fees, please contact our bookkeeper, Mrs. Beasley, at lbeasley@ccps.us or by calling (804) 633-9886. Student fees can be paid through myschoolbucks for the 2024-2025 School Year. The fees are linked here. Library fees ARE NOT included on Powerschool. Please see either Mrs. Corner or Mrs. Kline in the CHS Library Media […]

Saturday School Opportunities

Saturday School provides an opportunity for students who are in danger of being chronically absent for the year an opportunity to recover seat time by attending Saturday School. Saturday School also provides an excellent opportunity for students experiencing difficulty keeping up with their assignments assistance catching up. Saturday School is held at Caroline Middle School […]

CHS College Night & Upcoming College Visits

CHS will be hosting College Night on March 5th from 6pm-8pm in the gym/auditorium. During, we will be hosting a college panel with recent college graduates to help you answer any questions you may have about the college process. We will also be hosting a college fair with colleges such as Germanna,VSU, VCU, UVA, and more! We […]

CHS Celebrates Black History Month with the Port Royal Podcast Series

The CHS Mass Media classes are celebrating Black History Month by honoring our fellow Carolinians on the Cavalier Connections Podcast – The Port Royal Series. Episode 1 of The Port Royal Series honors Mrs. Cleo Coleman. A lifelong educator and passionate preserver of history, Mrs. Coleman has dedicated her life to ensuring that the past is never forgotten. At over 90 years […]