Governor’s School Application Extensions

Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School Due to the school closings this past week, applications for Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School will now be due on Wednesday, January 15th.  The application and more information about CBGS can be found online at  Teacher recommendations will also be due on Wednesday, so students must ensure that those go out to teachers right […]

Upcoming Athletic Events

Monday, December 16, 20245:00pm Scholastic Bowl: Varsity Match vs. King George @ Caroline High School Tuesday, December 17, 20245:00pm Basketball: Girls JV Game vs. Courtland @ Courtland High School6:30pm Basketball: Girls Varsity Game vs. Courtland @ Courtland High School5:00pm Basketball: Boys JV Game vs. Courtland @ Caroline High School6:30pm Basketball: Boys Varsity Game vs. Courtland @ Caroline High School Wenesday, December 18, 20244:00pm Indoor Track: Boys & Girls Varsity Meet vs. Multiple Schools.. @ Courtland High School6:00pm Wrestling: Varsity Match vs. Multiple Schools @ Caroline […]

Mrs. Gattie Named Teacher of the Year!

Congratulations to Mrs. Lisa Gattie, a education veteran with 17years of teaching experience, including the last three years at Caroline High School. She is also a proud resident of Bowling Green. Mrs. Gattie has demonstrated unwavering dedication to her students and the school community. At CHS, she has elevated the Mass Media program to new […]

CHS Betas Serve Breakfast @ The Thurman Brisben Center

Recently, members of the CHS Beta Club got up early to make and serve breakfast at the Thurman Brisben Center in Fredericksburg, VA. These all stars prepared scrambled eggs, regular bacon, turkey bacon, regular sausage, maple sausage, fruit salad, biscuits and cinnamon rolls. All of the ingrediants were donated by our CHS betas and their […]

Financial Aid 101 Webinars for Students and Parents

High school students, parents, and guardians who are interested in learning about financial aid options for college are invited to attend one of the Financial Aid 101 webinars hosted by Level Up Virginia and Virginia Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (VASFAA). Topics covered include Federal Financial Aid, State Financial Aid, Application Tips, and Q & A. Register today […]

CHS Midterm Schedule

CHS Midterms will be given on the following schedule Students will take their midterm during their regular class period. CHS will not have an altered schedule for midterm days. Students MAY NOT take midterms early. If a student will miss their midterm, they MUST make up the midterm after Winter Break. All midterms MUST be […]