Great Job DECA!
DECA students from CHS competed at the DECA State Leadership Conference in Virginia Beach the weekend of March 1-3. In order to be a member of DECA, students must be enrolled in one of the Marketing classes, Entrepreneurship, or Economics and Personal Finance. The students attending were Diana Aragon, Bethany Bane, Kyle Bane, Gavin Davis, […]
Writing SOL for Juniors 3/19 & 3/20
11th Grade students it is time for your 11th Grade Writing SOL. As a reminder, this is a two-day SOL, and both parts must be taken. Day 1, March 19th, will be the Multiple Choice portion of the exam, and Day 2, March 20th, will be the Short Paper essay portion. Students will report to […]
Prom 2024 “Under the Laterns”
Underclassmen February CAVs of the Month
Congratulations to the February “CAV of the Month” winners for grades 9–11: Chase Whiting (9th) enjoys participating in the Coding Club and is a member of the Track and Field team. His favorite class is History and he likes the number of diverse activities and the “great learning opportunities” high school has to offer. Riley Forehand (10th) is also […]
Senior CAV of the Month, Ashley Mosonyi
Ashley Mosonyi, daughter of Stephen and Laura Mosonyi, was recently selected as the senior Cav of the Month for Caroline High School in February. Ashley was selected by the teachers and administration of CHS because of her pleasant attitude, compassion, and academic success. Ashley is a member of our swim team as well as the […]
ATTENTION CHS SPORTS: Important Changes for Today 3/5/24
Several more sports teams will hold a Parent Meeting this week – please attend! Thank you to all the parents/guardians who came out last week to listen to our Coaches and myself speak about the upcoming seasons. Any student trying out for a Spring sports must have a valid VHSL Sports Physical dated after May […]
Randolph Macon Offers Free Summer Residential Experience for HS Latinas in Central Virginia
Randolph Macon is offering a free summer residential experience for high school Latinas in Central Virginia. The purpose of our program is to engage with Latinas who are interested in STEM early in their high school career with the goal of encouraging them to pursue a college education and career in STEM. Our ultimate goal is […]
Caroline High School – Technology Student Association
This weekend the CHS TSA team competed in the Virginia TSA Regional Conference at Highland Springs High School in the areas of Engineering Design and Extemporaneous Speech. Lilianna Jahnke Aragon, Neyen Rivera Cortes and Brus Juarez competed with the guidance of Mr. Black.
Writing SOL for Juniors
11th Grade students it is time for your 11th Grade Writing SOL. As a reminder, this is a two-day SOL, and both parts must be taken. Day 1, March 19th, will be the Multiple Choice portion of the exam, and Day 2, March 20th, will be the Short Paper essay portion. Students will report to […]