Caroline Middle School
Joshua Just, Principal
Geoff White, Assistant Principal
Stephen Salvato, Assistant Principal
Kelly Verity, Assistant Principal
Tiniko Johnson, Administrative Intern
- 13325 Devils Three Jump Rd Milford, VA 22514
Hours of Operation:
7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Class Hours:
7:25 AM – 2:20 PM
Tel: (804) 633-6561
Fax: (844) 548-5675
To CMS Families,
I hope everyone is looking forward to the 2024-2025 school year. I am excited to serve the community as the principal of Caroline Middle School this school year. The mission for CMS is for the faculty and staff to provide engaging academic experiences in the classroom and a competitive atmosphere in extracurriculars so all Eagles will prove to be Committed, Motivated, and Successful as they grow to be both High School Ready Learners and Life Ready Adults. My job as the principal is to ensure our staff and students are supported to meet this mission.
As an instructional leader and father of three, I along with the Eagle faculty & staff, recognize the necessity for CMS families to feel supported. The faculty and staff at Caroline Middle School will be here to aid parents and families in supporting the success of their children. I believe that quality student learning is essential to preparing students for life and this high quality of learning is enhanced through building and sustaining an open, honest, and productive partnership with the families of our students. Families should not hesitate to reach out to faculty and staff because we are here to help enhance the education of all students at CMS.
Not only do I want all Eagles to be successful in the classroom, but I also want every CMS Eagle to be a prepared high school student, and a life-ready adult. As we head into the new year, I expect all Eagles to be Committed, Motivated, and Successful. Do not hesitate to email me at or call me at (804) 633.6561 ext 4013 if you have questions or concerns. I appreciate your time and thank you for your support.
Joshua Just
Caroline Middle School
Eagle News & Events
CMS National Junior Honor Society Interest Form
CAROLINE MIDDLE SCHOOL NJHS INTEREST FORMS NOW AVAILABLE: The Caroline Middle School Chapter of the NJHS is dedicated to honoring students who demonstrate excellence in
Medication Consent Form
Click HERE for the CCPS Authorization/ Parental Consent for Administering Medications Form.
2024-2025 School Bus Routes
Caroline County Public Schools provides transportation to and from each school for each student should they choose to ride the school bus. Additionally, the Transportation
Sexually Explicit Content (SEC) Instructional Materials
On August 4, 2022, the Virginia Department of Education published Model Policies Concerning Instructional Materials with Sexually Explicit Content pursuant to Va. Code § 22.1-16.8.
Attending an Athletic Event? Check Out These Guidelines.
To promote safety at CHS and CMS athletics events, please be aware of and abide by the following: Game tickets can be purchased at GoFan