AP Testing Updates
AP Students and Parents, Here are a few reminders for the upcoming AP Exams: – Students must be at the exam location 30 minutes prior to the start time for example: if the exams starts at 8:00 am, students will need to be at the location at 7:30 am. What to Bring to your exam: […]
CHS Theatre Senior Showcase
Chromebooks & Testing!!
Do you change your Chromebook daily? Now is the time to start, SOL testing is in full swing and it is important to have a fully charged chromebook to test. When you charge your phone, charge your Chromebook too!
CHS Essential SOL Exam Info
It’s that time of year, students have been preparing through course work, projects, activities, and remediation for their End of Course SOL Exams. EOC SOL Testing will be May 8th through 12th, 2023, beginning at 7:45 am daily, classes will test as follows. May 8th- 11th Grade End of Course Reading May 9th- 9th Grade […]
Countywide Art Show Tonight!
Spring Sports Continues @ CHS
Please make sure to check out the sports calendar below so you know when all of our student athletes compete this spring. We have someone competing almost every evening during the spring, do not miss out! Battlefield District Sports Calendar
March Underclassman CAVs of the Month
Congratulations to the March “CAV of the Month” winners for grades 9–11: Andrea Rodriguez-Vazquez (9th), Jacob Bucceri (10th), and Marley Dagenhart (11th). The students were selected by CHS staff for excelling academically and demonstrating respect, responsibility, and honesty in their actions. Andrea has had a great first year at Caroline. She especially enjoyed being a member of Caroline’s swim team, which she says […]
Integrated Reading & Writing Exam Info
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has developed a new type of test question for future Standards of Learning (SOL) Reading assessments in grades 5, 8, and high school. Before this new type of test item is administered to students as part of the SOL Reading tests in grades 5, 8, and high school, it […]