Winter Sports Update

Tryouts for Boys & Girls Basketball, Indoor Track, Swim, and Wrestling will begin on Monday, Nov. 7. 

  • Basketball– All basketball tryouts are at CHS.
    • Varsity boys basketball will tryout 2:45-5:20pm on Nov. 7. 
    • JV boys basketball will start Nov. 8 from 5:00-7:00.
    • All girls will tryout 5:30-7:30 on Nov. 7.
  • Swim should stay after school and will shuttle to the YMCA for practice. 
  • Wrestling will tryout at CHS from 2:45-5:20.
  • Track will be 2:45-5:20 at the stadium. 
    • Please email Coach Harvey, sansberryh@yahoo.com for track and field details.

      You must have a completed and valid VHSL Physical in order to try out for a team.   Please make arrangements to have your ride pick you up at 5:30.  Activity buses will be running Monday, Wednesday & Thursday during the week of tryouts. They will leave at 5:30 each day from CHS.