Division Superintendent

Message from the Superintendent of Schools

Welcome back students and families!

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as Superintendent of Caroline County Public Schools.

Our collective school community is committed to providing students with a safe and caring learning environment, relevant and rigorous instruction, innovative technology, and diverse learning opportunities that will prepare all students to be 3E Ready: Enrolled, Enlisted, or Employed.

We value, respect, and support our educators because we believe the keys to student learning are strong relationships and great teaching. To help inspire and engage students in their learning, we provide teachers ongoing, useful professional development and instructional resources that aid each child with maximizing their academic, social, and emotional growth.

Our purposeful motto of #OneCaroline reflects the deep partnerships we nurture and celebrate with parents, businesses and civic organizations, and the Caroline community. Our partners in education and talented staff members bring skill and enthusiasm to our daily learning environment and empower our youth to share their talents and gifts. Together we are engaging and growing the next generation of learners, thinkers, and leaders.

As we enter the final year of our five-year strategic plan, Pathways 2022, I look forward to working alongside you to celebrate our past successes and plan for our continued growth. May your 2021-2022 school year be filled with many blessings.

In education,
Sarah B. Calveric, Ph.D.

Caroline County School Board Meeting: Monday, November 8, 2021

The Caroline County School Board will hold it’s regular monthly school board meeting on Monday, November 8, 2021  5:30PM at Caroline Middle School.

A copy of the agenda can be accessed on our website under the Division/School Board/Boarddocs tab.  The meeting will highlight Community Partnerships, American Education Week, 2021 Conservation Teacher of the Year, State Fair Student Winners, Transportation Compensation, CHS Student Dress Code Recap, Second Semester Calendar Suggestions, Strategic Plan 2027, and additional regular monthly topics.

We welcome the public to attend the meeting or subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Caroline County Regular School Board Meeting- September 13, 2021

The Caroline County School Board will hold it’s regular monthly school board meeting on Monday, September 13, 2021  5:30PM at Caroline Middle School.

A copy of the agenda can be accessed on our website under the Division/School Board/Boarddocs tab.  The meeting will highlight our 2021-2022 Back to School video, a look at our CMS Future Farmers of America program, a Covid-19 update, and Awards & Recognitions.

We welcome the public to attend the meeting or view our livestream on our CCPS face book page.

Welcome Back – Superintendent’s Message

Good evening, CCPS families! Faculty and staff are eager to welcome our Cavaliers (9th-12th graders) and Eagles (6th-8th graders) back to school tomorrow! It will be an unprecedented start to the 20-21 VIRTUAL+ school year, and truthfully, what the first day experience entails will be dependent upon each person’s individual situation. As a staff member and student, you may be kicking the year off at school in a VIRTUAL+ learning hub, wearing a mask, keeping a safe distance from your colleagues/peers, and regularly washing those hands. Or, you may be starting the school year from home, stationed in front of a computer in a spare bedroom, at the kitchen table, or at a family desk. 

As I welcome our secondary students (6th-12th) and staff back on the “Eve of Day 1”, I know that the work truly began days, weeks, and even months ago in preparation for this unique school year. Thank you – thank you for the grace and mercy shown to one another, the patience that have been offered and will be needed, and the solution-oriented mindset that both families and employees have embraced. 

We begin the year confident in the established, in-person safety measures outfitting every school facility. We begin the year proud of our food service department’s ability to provide meals for all CCPS students. We begin the year appreciative of our transportation department’s ability to prepare our VIRTUAL+ equity groups’ individualized bus route needs. We begin the year pleased with our special educators’ communication with families to appropriately amend individualized education plans to meet the needs of each child. We begin the year celebrating educators’ admirable commitment to professional learning, relationship building, and communication with students and parents. We begin the year thankful for the engagement of our school community in the evolving details associated with a pandemic reopening. 

We are also grateful for technology! While a blessing, it can simultaneously cause emotions and stressors that are less than ideal. And… while we have recently experienced an elementary demand for devices beyond our currently available supply, the collective stakeholder response has been understanding and heartwarming. Thank you for adopting this supportive approach as we embark on this new VIRTUAL+ journey on August 24th (grades 6-12). 

We anticipate device hurdles this week. We expect some connectivity issues. We know, while we strive for excellence, there will be numerous opportunities for growth and improvement. Every one of us, student, staff, and parent, is climbing a steep learning curve – but we are doing it hip-to-hip with one another – #OneCaroline. 

And so, on the “Eve of Day 1” for so many of you, I wish you a safe, healthy, and growth-producing school year. It will not be void of challenges – use these opportunities to be innovative and courageous. It is not the time to pause our collaborative efforts – reach out, communicate, share thoughts and ideas. Most importantly, we share a common goal – the success of every CCPS student. 


Let’s get this year started! 

Sarah  Calveric, Ph.D.

New Buses have arrived!

CCPS has receives 5 new school buses (77 passenger and special needs buses) through the FY20 capital improvement process. Thanks to the Board of Supervisors for their continued support of the CCPS replacement cycle.

Superintendent’s Monthly Update: January 2019

As the new year has begun and the weather has certainly challenged us, I am pleased to share with you that our staff and admin teams have worked collectively to keep their focus on student learning and safety.  Please take a moment to review the monthly update.

January 2019 Supt. Monthly Update

Superintendent’s Monthly Update: December 2018

Welcome to the December edition of the Superintendent’s Monthly Update. Please take a moment to look at all of the exciting things that happened around the division this past month. May each of you have a wonderful holiday and new year.

December 2018