Class on 2025 Graduation Update


Purchasing tickets will be available from Mrs. Douglas in D01 on the following schedule:

  1. April 7th-11th: Seniors may pay for tickets for their family/guests who require Accessible Seating (limited mobility) ONLY.

[This still counts within the eight additional tickets each senior can buy.]

  1. April 14th-30th: Seniors participating in the graduation program may pay for up to eight (8) additional tickets @ $8.00 each, deducting any previous tickets for accessibility needs.
  2. All tickets, free and those purchased, will be distributed Monday, May 19th at graduation practice. Parking passes will also be issued then. You must attend practice to participate in the ceremony on May 20th.

Be aware that the seating is assigned and randomly situated throughout the facility. Tickets have a specific section, row number, and seat number.

Attire: Caps, Towns, Tassels

Caps, gowns, and tassels should have been ordered and are being delivered the last week of March CHS during lunch shifts. Herff Jones representatives will be posted outside of the cafeteria near Mrs. Tillapaugh’s room. Those who have not yet purchased must go to this site and order:

Herff-Jones Caroline Site